A’Niah L. Bell is a current graduate student seeking a masters in Biomedical Science. She earned her undergraduate degree in Biosystems Engineering on a Pre-Health track at the University of Arizona, with hopes of attending medical school. During her time at the University of Arizona, she worked on research in the Micro/Nano Fabrication Center.
With her Senior Design Team she was able to finalize the fabrication of a system for determination of platelet stiffness. Based on their work, they were awarded for Best Design Using a Data Acquisition and Control System. Alongside this award, her and her team’s work were published in the medical journal of American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO). As she completed her undergraduate career, A’Niah continued research in the nano-fabrication lab at the University of Texas, Austin. Alongside this research and her interest in medicine (specifically obstetrics and gynecology), she researched current trends of maternal mortality rates in the United States and current risk factors using coding analysis. After completion of her undergraduate degree, A’Niah has been spending her time gaining clinical experience shadowing and scribing with various medical professionals in many fields including: family medicine, pediatrics, orthopedics, and plastic surgery. After the completion of this program, she hopes to enter into the field of medicine working to make a difference in underserved communities.